how to maintain your travel journal

While travelling, there are numerous things and thoughts that come to our mind. But what we actually remember of a place is just the frien...

While travelling, there are numerous things and thoughts that come to our mind. But what we actually remember of a place is just the friends and the fun we had there (traces only). So what about thoughts? Aren't they worth remembering? They surely are!!

That is the reason why people maintains a journal containing all their thoughts and experience at a place. For those who like to have a journal, here are some points I felt like sharing to help you maintaining your journal.

Start it thick

When you are just starting to maintain your journal, you should buy a thick blank notebook. Because you can't keep on buying numerous notebooks every time you plan to go somewhere. And don't make it too thick that you start feeling to leave it out of your bag to reduce weight. 

Make it color coded

I learned this trick from an American while talking about her journal. What she does is, keeps different colored pencils for different things to write. Like, she would write her thoughts in Yellow color, her questions in purple, travel experience in green and so on. This thing makes it very interesting to read after even a long time. But for this, you need to carry many pencils and eraser and sharpeners. So always make room for that stuff in your bag.

Make it look like a Travel Journal

Many people I've seen with journals have a thick notebook in hand, with hard cover and a plain simple look. I'd prefer that you make it look like a Travel Journal. When you visit some place, try finding tiny stickers of its flag or something that can remind you of that place. Paste it over the cover of your journal. 

Mention the strangers

The friends you make while travelling, get a photo clicked with them and paste it in your journal with their names. This would remind you every single stranger you met and the things you've learned from them. 

Don't just write

It is your travel journal, not just a notepad. So don't just write down in it to fill up the pages. But do anything you feel like. While sitting at a calm place, if you are in mood of sketching the view then sketch it down. Do anything you feel in your journal. All that comes to your mind, put it in your journal. Because mind forgets things but writing will ensure your memories.

keep it consistent

Undoubtedly, one can't be travelling for all of his time. He has to wait till the next journey begins. But don't leave your journal alone for that while. Keep writing thoughts that come to your mind in that duration. Because, I believe that we are travelling everyday and everywhere, even in our daily routine.  

You might also feel journal to be an extra weight to carry. You might be thinking of simply capturing memories in photographs and put it over Facebook. But that experience is volatile as it disappears away after few likes from your friends. And a journal always remains with you (with and without likes). But it's okay if you don't want one.
 Because it's you who decide how to travel!!

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