12 reasons why I don't like rain

Do you like rain? What is in it to like? This is the thing I couldn't understand since I was a kid. I have seen people getting happy...

Do you like rain? What is in it to like? This is the thing I couldn't understand since I was a kid. I have seen people getting happy over when it starts to rain. I don't see the point. Some say that rain symbolizes gods being cheering. Now who said them that !! Maybe they are all peeing over your heads.

Being logical here are some reasons why I just don't like it:

  1. I can't wear my favorite shoes to protect them from filthy muddy water. 
  2. I have to carry an umbrella all the time and moreover you have to take care of it if it is wet. So it is an additional thing to care about.
  3. Being a man with dry hair, I don't like getting my hair wet and make me look like a 'bheegi-billi'.
  4. I have to take care of my laptop, wallet, phone etc so that they don't get moist. [You know why!! ]
  5. Sometimes it's acidic and I don't want acidic water to get into my eyes.
  6. I use glasses to correct my vision. And I don't like them getting splashed with water and wiping them each time I enter some dry place.
  7. Cars and bikes passing you by would make you hate it even more. Your pants get those ugly mud dots. [ughh]
  8. Whenever it rains, shoes carry more dust and mud than ever. I hate that sound of shoes with dust stuck to them.
  9. It makes me cancel many plans. 
  10. The very cruel creatures of god; mosquitoes, are born in rainy season. Isn't that enough to hate rain.
  11. I can't smoke a cigarette or have 'chai' in open. 
  12. Water is wet. I don't like getting wet.
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  1. I was searching on the internet "how to stop hating rain" ( I know...it's kind of stupid but I'm desperate) and then I found this. Not what I was looking for and I don't know if it helped much but it was funny, for sure. I guess its kinda nice knowing that I'm not alone in this hating rain thing.

  2. I hate the rain because something bad happened to me 3 years ago and it was raining.My friends left me in the pouring rain. It was raining cats and dogs and they left me in the open without an umbrella and I had to walk 0.5 km on the rain alone.I had a water proof backpack but it was raining so heavily that all of my stuff including my books and money and my stuff from the deepest packets were wet and I mean wet as hell the pages of my notebook fell off. My brother on the same day had come home from a different city like 50 km away for only a day and when I was in bus I saw my brother carrying an umbrella for me and searching me when he too was wet.That made me realize what family means since then I hate rain and I have always carried umbrella with me

  3. I think u are stupid because its actually good ,exoeriment playing out in raid ,it maked ou happy
