Travelling solo, not at all a problem

When I tell people about my love for travelling alone, I often see some funny faces. Some with a frown expression and some with an express...

When I tell people about my love for travelling alone, I often see some funny faces. Some with a frown expression and some with an expression telling you that your are a fool. Anyway, I came to hear the following excuses or problems travelling alone. So, here you go:

1. I don't know where to start 

The question like "where to start" can be a big threshold to overcome. If you really want to start, start from what is closest to you. Start travelling the nearby locations and if you feel like traveling more then start increasing your radius stepping onto the new locations.

2. Travelling solo costs a little higher

This is true without any doubt. But one can surely choose ways to avoid the expenses while travelling alone. When in group, people often chose something that is more comfortable. But on the solo journey of yourself, you need to say goodbye to those comforts. Try using public transit, look for a hotel that you can afford alone, order food in half the quantities as that much is enough to fill up your tummy.

3. It will be no fun on my own

"It will be no fun on my own". Often false than not. If there rests a vagabond soul inside you then you are going to enjoy the place even travelling alone. Try making friends there and when you move further in your journey plan, take some memories in the form of pictures with you. Repeat this till your journey ends. And when you get home, share all the stories with your family and friends. You would realize that you had more fun than you actually expected.

4. I am too shy to meet others

People are too shy to meet others. Shame on them if they call themselves a traveler. Travelling is mainly consisted by "meeting new people" only. But they are shy, that means they need a solution. Try talking to friends of you friends, make conversations with strangers while waiting for your bus or train. Try making eye contacts while talking. And you are done.

5. There's too much to plan

Generally, if one has to travel somewhere in his vacations, he would simple cancel the plan just because he don't have any plan. I suggest, just pick a place you want to go and board the train to that place very next morning. A plan would ruin your other plans. So don't make any. Keep everything random depending only upon the present circumstance.

6. It's not safe

I have heard this a lot often. Just think once, is it safe to step out of your home? Someone might hit you with his car, some one might kill you somehow. You might have your leg broken the next day. You might slip on a wet floor and have you bumps cracked. So there isn't any safety anywhere. It's just the angle how we look at it. Don't worry, it's not that unsafe.

7. It will be like few weeks of speed dating

Whenever alone, many of us try to visit a place as if we were supposed to touch it and run. It often makes one feel that if he go alone somewhere, he would be running all the time just to visit places and finish his journey according to plan. Don't travel with a plan, as I already said. Get to a place and don't leave until every bit of it is felt. Don't be in rush. Just check-in a hotel and don't think of leaving unless you are satisfied. See the whole sunset sitting in your balcony. Have some dinners in peace and not to kill hunger.

8. I hate eating alone

Many of us don't like eating their food alone. They need a person siting before them while eating. Not a problem. Go to restaurants and look around if there's someone like you. Ask him if you can join him, as simple as that. If you aren't lucky enough then simply have local street food at a crowded place. You would easily get someone there.

9. what if no one else likes me ?

Suppose you are on your own, alone and outside your "home sweet home" and seeking to make some new friends. You will have to join a group of travelers at that place. But question might arise in your mind that what if you are a different kind and nobody would like you. All you have to do is not worrying about this. If you have a traveler soul inside you, you are a miscible element. You are going to make some good friends while travelling.

Guys, you have to step outside your home to reach somewhere. Stop making excuses and go, travel.

Important Note: [All pictures used are taken from internet]

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  1. "it's not safe" You scared all ,buddy. Im not gonna leave my home for a while .
