Following heart is Expensive!

Following the heart is an expensive habit. In the last few years we have came across countless stories which concludes to the one simple th...

Following the heart is an expensive habit. In the last few years we have came across countless stories which concludes to the one simple thought, "Follow your Heart". Talking under the umbrella of travel blogging, it is an expensive interest to pursue.

I too, am a believer of the fact that travelling might be inexpensive. A good trip might end up costing you less than few hundred rupees (Indian). But the question is how to manage things to ensure the least possible expenditure.

With me, it is generally the case that I save for a couple of months and then leave for a trip around the country. (My preference is, generally, mountains in summers and any other place in winters). Both summers and winters can be equally challenging to the will of travelling and to the budget as both demand air conditioned trains ( trains are cheapest).

So it is all about the balance that you make. Sometimes you might want to travel light (which is always the case with me) and you don't want to carry extra warmers for the train journey. Other times, you might get ready to carry extra weight but again you will end up getting frustrated about it.

Other main area where we spend a lot while travelling remains hidden. This area is phone bills. Obviously you are going in a remote destination and you don't want to get lost. So an Internet Pack! The family is important and they have to be informed with all whereabouts. But roaming out of your home state would suck your money. The best way is to only get the Internet Pack. Text your beloved ones and you'd also get to post your photos and check-ins on social medias.

After the two huge pillars in travelling expenditure, now comes the accommodation. Always try to find out a friend who has home in the area. If not possible, try finding a Hostel rather than a hotel. Or the most exciting way to get a place to sleep is to carry your tent. I have, personally, no experience in living in self pegged tent. But I think that would be the most awesome stay at a billion star hotel!

Food is another big entry in the expense chart while travelling. No doubt, people live for food and they want delicious meals. I would say go for it. But does your budget allow that? Once in a while go to some fine dinning restaurant but on other normal days, try the local street food. And don't worry about the extra calories you would be taking in. Because on a tight budget you will have to walk through the streets!

This is the concluding section where I am supposed to provide you with the final judgement of my wisdom. ( No I'am not going to do that) The thing is simple, follow your heart but not like an idiot.
Make decisions wisely and get the solutions. Get the hell out of your comfort zone!

See you out somewhere with your backpack!
#StupidOnSunday #BringPeace

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